Triad Program...
Geneva Township was an original signer on February 9, 2004 to the Triad Cooperative Agreement between several central Kane County law enforcement
agencies and social service organizations that serve seniors. Other founding members include the Kane County Sheriff’s Office, Geneva Police Department,
St. Charles Police Department, Batavia Police Department, Elburn Police Department, Senior Services Associates, Inc., and Delnor Community Hospital.
Triad got its start on the national level when three groups, the National Sheriff’s Association, the International Association of Chiefs of Police,
and the American Association of Retired persons (AARP) signed an agreement to encourage and support the growth of local Triads. Their charge was to
identify and assess the unique needs of senior citizens on the local level with respect to safety issues and crime using the shared resources and
experience of the Triad member organizations.
The Central Kane County Triad plans to sponsor seminars and other programs to heighten the awareness of crimes, exploitation, and abuse and
neglect experienced by senior citizens in our area and improve communication between seniors, law enforcement agencies and the social service
organizations that serve the needs of senior citizens.
Visit our Web Site: Central Kane County Triad