Senior Services Associates...
With the dizzying array of programs and services available to senior citizens, it’s sometimes very difficult to determine what programs or mix of
programs and services best fits an individual. To help sort through what’s available and assist seniors and their families in applying for programs,
the Township has enlisted the aid of Senior Services Associates, Inc. Senior Services Associates is a non-profit agency dedicated to helping older adults
maintain and enhance their quality of life by answering questions, making recommendations, and assisting in applying for needed services. They aid with combatting financial victimization and abuse of the elderly. They assist Triad. They serve
seniors in Kane, Kendall and McHenry counties.
Maybe you’re looking for recreational and social opportunities in your community, help in dealing with issues related to a short or long-term
illness, assistance in signing up for home delivered meals or applying for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security or the Circuit Breaker program. Senior
Services Associates, Inc. can help and Senior Services has established a satellite office at the new Geneva Township Senior Center
staffed by a caseworker who will offer personal and confidential information and services to Geneva Township seniors. At the present
time, Senior Services Associates can be reached by calling 630-897-4035.
Caseworker Judith Smith